What exactly is body sculpting?
You may be wondering what the best way to sculpt your body? Although we offer many treatments; it is often the combination of treatments that create the greatest transformation for our clients. Body sculpting is an art form and takes a keene eye with heaps of knowledge.
We offer dermal filler, CoolSculpting, Kybella, sclerotherapy, profound cellulite reduction. and many more to complete the right look.

Each client presents with a different goal, a different body shape and even a different combination of concerns. The team at Surface takes time to perform a comprehensive assesment to evaluate each client and to most importantly to listen to their needs and or concerns. It is imperitive to all of us here at Surface to make sure we develop the best treatment plan for you.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Call us at (603) 783-1087 to schedule or book online today! For training inquiries please email tara@thedccm.com Visit the team at Delle Chiaie Cosmetic Medicine in Hampton NH to see if this is right for you. We are located close to Newburyport MA, Hampton Falls NH, Rye NH, Portsmouth NH and Exeter NH just to name a few surrounding towns.We can be conveniently found on Route 1 in Hampton NH right off of 101.You can book online by clicking on this link, or if you prefer you can call (603) 783-1087. We look forward to helping you along your personal journey.