Halloween is almost here; Are you ready to be frightened?

The holidays are coming and so is all the food. Statistics say the average person gains a pound a year during the holiday season. The scary part is they don’t lose it. Why not start the new year without the extra bulge? Start your new year feeling great. You still have time if you act fast, make your nutrition appointment today. Have a happy Halloween, see you soon!

Price Menu for Nutrition

There are two options to get you started…one option is with a physical and blood work and one without the physical and blood work. We strongly recommend the physical and blood work as it allows us to cater your plan more precisely.

New patient package with a Physical and Labs

First Month – $890.00
This includes:

  • Physical Examination by our in house Nurse Practitioner and a Comprehensive Blood Panel ordered
  • Initial Consultation with Nutritionist (Week 1)
  • Phone follow up (Week 2)
  • 30-45 min in office consult (Week 3)
  • Phone follow up (Week 4)

After the first month the pricing is as follows:
Monthly follow-up fee -this can last for 3 to 6 months depending on patient— $250.00. Patient credit card will be charged $250.00 at the start of each additional 4 weeks.

This includes:

  • One 30-45 min in office consult
  • One phone follow-up per week

(One final in office consult will be provided in the final week whether that is week 12 or week 24)

Repeat Labs ordered by Nurse Practitioner to track your health progress is $150.

New Patient Package without a physical and Labs

First Month-$590.00
This includes:

  • Initial Consultation with Nutritionist (Week 1)
  • Phone follow up (Week 2)
  • 30-45 min in office consult (Week 3)
  • Phone follow up (Week 4)

After the first month the pricing is as follows:

Monthly follow-up fee -this can last for 3 to 6 months depending on patient— $250.00. Patient credit card will be charged $250.00 at the start of each additional 4 weeks.

This includes:

  • One 30-45 min in office consult
  • One phone follow-up per week

(One final in office consult will be provided in the final week whether that is week 12 or week 24)

Click here to schedule your appointment or call us at (603) 783-1087!

822 Lafayette RD, Suite 4, Hampton NH

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We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(603) 874-4541